The No Operator Input™ Movement
It’s not simply a phrase that gets bolted onto a product description; it is a way of life for Datanomix.
At the 2022 IMTS trade show, multiple partners and even competitors graciously came to our booth to congratulate us on some recent successes—key customer wins, major partnership announcements, and a general appreciation of the brand and movement we have created. I was pleasantly surprised, but appreciative, because we bring the “underdog” mentality to everything we do—our only mode of operation is to keep innovating our platform.
No Operator Input™ is Not Simply a Phrase
You can’t just bolt it onto a product description because at Datanomix, it is a way of life. When John and I started Datanomix, we toured factories and spoke with operations leaders who felt helpless and handcuffed by the manual data crunching and downtime reason code approach of their monitoring systems. Worst of all, even if those companies tried the best they could to live within the operational model of those systems, their data was dirty at best, and the results they were seeking simply never materialized. It became brutally apparent to us that the industry was stuck in a rut of mediocre monitoring.
“No Operator Input™ was born out of the pain and frustration of everyday shop leaders who had the courage to invest in monitoring technology, but did not deserve to be punished by the shortcomings of prior-generation systems.”
— Greg McHale, CTO & Founder, Datanomix
Expect More from Your Production Monitoring
With the No Operator Input™ movement, we redefined what manufacturing leaders should expect from their monitoring systems:
- Job-specific Capabilities
- Real-time scores
- Out-of-the-box workflows that boost how you:
- Run morning production meetings
- Identify continuous improvement initiatives
- Quote/cost your jobs
- Identify margin improvement opportunities
- Report to ownership and boards that you are making gains
- Integration partnerships that solve closed-loop, real-world problems, not just accept credentials and wish you the best
- A “whatever it takes” Customer Support and Success model to ensure you get the full product experience you deserve
“Most importantly, our movement means we deliver all of this capability with no work required on your part to find the answers you seek. You don’t need to assemble, export, crunch, or customize data—you simply click and review!”
— Greg McHale, CTO & Founder, Datanomix
Our No Operator Input™ philosophy was dismissed early on by competitors and analysts alike. We were told there was no room to disrupt the “tablets and reason codes” approach to monitoring. We were told everything that could be done had already been done. And we were often asked, “How will you ever catch up to (insert competitor here)?”
Today, as more and more companies become dissatisfied with their previous generation monitoring solutions, they switch to Datanomix. Time and again, it has been proven that our No Operator Input™ approach has our customers, partners, and even competitors perking up to understand what we did and how we did it.
Quite simply, we are fulfilling the promise of what production monitoring for the next generation is supposed to mean to everyday manufacturers—capabilities, scores, workflows that align with how you already operate, and reports and insights that just work right out of the box without the hassle of operator input, data crunching, and workflows you get lost in. As one recent customer put it, “Datanomix is the first software product I’ve ever seen that was actually designed for how manufacturing people think.”
The time has come to expect more from your monitoring system. Datanomix has always been fighting on your behalf to deliver the insights you need to run the business you deserve. We will never stop innovating for and collaborating with the very people who inspired this movement: you.
No Operator Input™ – The Approach CNC Manufacturers Have Been Waiting For
Countless manufacturers have made the switch to Datanomix because they were let down or stood up by mediocre monitoring solutions.