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Manufacturing Mavericks
Our new podcast is sharing real stories from people inspiring innovation in manufacturing.
Join Greg McHale, Founder of Datanomix, as he sits down with these exceptional people to hear their stories and explore the important lessons they learned along the way. Listeners can gain valuable insights they can use in their own facilities to improve their bottom line.
Subscribe to Manufacturing Mavericks on iTunes, Spotify, GooglePlay, or your favorite podcast app. You can also learn more about the show at
THINK PIECE: The Fatal Flaws of First-Generation Monitoring Systems
If you’ve been burned or disappointed by prior monitoring systems, we completely understand.
Greg has written a thought-provoking piece titled “The Fatal Flaws in First-Generation Monitoring Systems.” In addition to highlighting the pitfalls of relying solely on operator input, he offers valuable insights on how to elevate your monitoring practices. We believe you will find it both enlightening and engaging.
Elos Medtech Automates Data Collection to Improve Operations and Expose Trends
Tim Martin, engineering manager at the Elos facility in Memphis, is a strong believer in analytics to help understand and improve operations, and he was looking for a way to collect data for monitoring machine performance automatically. At the time, all the data was collected by hand and according to Tim, “We relied on our operators to give us their numbers, and it wasn’t always completely accurate. We always want to be as accurate as possible.”
Why Precision Manufacturers Don’t Use Machine Monitoring
Having real-time and historical insights into production performance is a gamechanger. So why hasn’t every precision manufacturer implemented one? Here are the top 6 reasons.
VIDEO: Building a Company that Will Stand the Test of Time
Hastreiter Industries is aggressively investing in automation to ensure they are positioned to thrive in the future.
How Rolar Products Motivates Employees With Datanomix
For Rolar Products, the employees are the heart and soul of the business. And as the leader of a technology-focused precision manufacturer, Jack Russell understands that technology is only useful when it helps your people perform better without the “big brother” factor. Rolar is using Datanomix to not only deliver better insights in real-time but is doing it in a way that fosters communication and a culture of innovation.
Manufacturing Automation Investment Calculator
Which Automation Technology Delivers the Most Bang for Your Buck?
Datanomix Benefits Every Shop Type—Across Any Industry
Datanomix has helped hundreds of shops in all shapes and sizes achieve their revenue and profit goals.