Datanomix vs. Competitors

With so many companies vying for your attention, how do you separate the signal from the noise?

How do you compare Datanomix to other solutions?

No matter which software vendor you choose, you will be making a multi-year investment representing a very real amount of money that needs to return profit to your business. This alone suggests it is probably not in your best interest to decide based solely on abstract information from vendors themselves.

If you try to buy based only on information, it is actually in every vendor’s best interest to tell you they “do the same thing,” which renders any information you gather basically useless. There is so much “me too-ing” in this space that it has actually done a disservice to buyers because it creates market confusion and paralyzes the buying process.

The first question to ask yourself is, “Is this vendor’s approach giving me more clarity or more confusion?”…. and the only way to really figure that out is to go through the sales process.


  • Are they demonstrating a professional, prescriptive process that makes it clear they know how to help you be successful?
  • Can they specifically map features and functionality to your pains and challenges with similar success stories and product workflows that are a direct hit for what you want to solve?
  • When you find gaps and challenges, are they mitigating your concerns by showing you or telling you?
  • Are they offering references with many monitoring experiences (failed and successful) who can help you separate the signal from the noise in your evaluation?


Once it is clear exactly what problems you are trying to solve, evaluate if they can pave the way to show you how simple it is to solve those problems with a Pilot of the solution.

A Pilot will allow you to evaluate the vendor’s ability to solve your problems, the usability of the software, the vendor’s commitment to making you successful, and the time to good, valuable data and insights.

“Competitor XYZ said Datanomix will make me do something that sounds dumb or hard. Is that true?”

How dumb or hard did it sound? Because the dumber and harder it sounded, the more false it probably is.

We don’t make customers do dumb or hard things. Remember, everybody else made humans do data entry to get “useful” information from their monitoring systems until we came along, which makes us the antidote for dumb and hard things.

Some companies out there are experiencing very high churn (loss of customers), and are particularly experiencing high churn of those customers to Datanomix. We have dozens of references that have switched from other solutions to us. In fact, one of the best questions you could ask a vendor is “why do customers leave you for Datanomix?”

If one of our competitors uses the “Datanomix makes you do dumb stuff” tactic with you, we’re sorry. Just ask us directly, regardless of the topic, and we’ll gladly show you the simple path to victory with Datanomix.

“I was recently at a tradeshow and another monitoring vendor explicitly told me not to visit your booth. Why?”

Hahaha, no they didn’t! Seriously!?!? They did? Wow.

That’s why it’s important to really get to know your vendors, including the team that will support you, other customers who already work with that vendor, and the product itself, so you get a full sense of the experience of being a customer.

“Why are you more expensive than your competitors?”


We find our competitors have business models and price points that leave a really high chance of customer churn, low customer satisfaction, and failed deployments in the field. The reason for that is many vendors are just trying to sling you software while providing a bit of support. They can’t really afford to help you be successful over the long haul, or their technology platform makes it too costly and complicated for them to help you get good, clean data.

Our customer base counts dozens of manufacturers with failed experiences with other vendors before switching to Datanomix. Our approach is designed to maximize the likelihood of your success.


With technology like ours, you are investing in results; you are not merely investing in software. Our predecessors have handicapped the market with brutally low customer retention rates, failed trials that litter the landscape of the industry, and downright pissing off folks that were so scorched by bad experiences they thought the whole category was broken. While we’ve helped nurse many folks in this boat back to the promised land, the reality is you need clear returns that help you Make More, or this whole thing doesn’t work.

You aren’t just subscribing to software, you are subscribing to an approach that will help you Make More, as delivered through our industry-leading platform, the Kick-Ass Coaching required to help you harvest the gains made visible by our solution, and our breakneck speed of innovation on behalf of our customers.

If you are just looking to buy software and be wished luck on your journey, there are plenty of choices other than Datanomix. To be candid though, you may be better off not investing in anything like this at all if that is how you are thinking about it. You’ll be unhappy in less than a year.

If you always buy the cheapest material, cheapest tools, cheapest machines, and don’t think of investments in terms of ROI and positive impact on your business, we are also unlikely to be the right partner for you.

“Why should I work with Datanomix?”

If you’ve read the page to this point, it should be obvious what kind of partner we are to work with. We’re principled, direct, collaborative, and here to help you win.


  • Simple machine and data connectivity, handled by us
  • Data that makes sense on day one –> good part #’s and good part counts for any equipment type
  • No Operator Inputâ„¢ means 100% useable data and reports with zero burden on your team for data entry
  • Kick-Ass Coaching that keeps you winning:
    • Better Production Meetings
    • Shop Floor Communication and Change Management
    • Driving Real-Time Action with Real-Time Data
    • Automated Win/Loss Analysis
    • Improving On-Time Delivery
  • Best-in-class partnerships and integrations that automate deeper insights
  • Mountains of success stories with manufacturers just like you