Paramount Machine Finds Real-Time Value with Datanomix

VIDEO: Datanomix Helps to 25-Year Old Machining Company be More Efficient and Schedule More Jobs

Having the right machine monitoring system can take a company from productive to HIGHLY PROFITABLE in a very short amount of time.

According to Cole Bloomquist of Paramount Machine Inc, Datanomix has brought real value to Paramount, unlike their prior monitoring system that was too rudimentary. Datanomix has not only supported existing projects, but it has helped them win reshoring projects.

The prior monitoring system we were using was very rudimentary. We could come in the morning and tell that this machine ran from 6am to 8pm, but that was it. Datanomix makes it simple to understand what jobs have run, and the amount of time it consumes. It allows us to plan accordingly to fit more jobs or other jobs into this 21-pallet system.

— Cole Bloomquist, Project Manager, Paramount Machine

Using Datanomix, Paramount can schedule more jobs on their 21-palette machine and not tie it up perpetually with the same part. It also supports their operators who are responsible for more than one machine. Paramount Machine has been able to diversify its business industry-wide by understanding exactly what’s happening on their production floor.

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