No Reason for Reason Codes

SME Reports Why Using Data Delivers Real Results

Datanomix of Nashua, N.H., has partnered with companies like ProShop, Caron Engineering, and Hexagon, all with the shared goal of integrating their products wherever possible and wherever it makes sense. Former CEO John Joseph, together with founder, president and CTO Greg McHale, offered several insights to shops looking to gain a strategic, data-based advantage over their competitors.

“The underlying assumption is that reason codes are necessary because the software doesn’t understand how a job is supposed to run, and therefore cannot possibly tell you whether something is running well or poorly. However, Datanomix has developed an adaptive algorithm that establishes a standard for optimal performance across various metrics, such as cutting time, probing time, touch time and the number of planned stoppages per cycle, among others. Through G-code analytics, we can determine the cause of each stoppage and the expected duration for each event. Once you have these elements of job performance, you fully understand your process capability without putting any additional burden on your operators.”

—Greg McHale, Founder, President & CTO, Datanomix
Using Data to Deliver Results

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